Laboratory Testing
We offer the following laboratory testing services:
Aggregate testing, including sulfate soundness & relative mortar strength evaluation
Asphalt concrete testing, including asphalt content by the ignition oven
Concrete testing, including drying/shrinkage testing and trial batch services
High-strength bolt testing, including hardness, tensile strength & proof load testing
Masonry materials testing, including drying shrinkage & full size prism
Soil-cement & grout testing, including tie of set, compressive strength & consistency testing
Soils testing, including organic content evaluation, triaxial strength & permeability
Structural steel testing, including rebar & steel cable prestressing, tensile strength & elongation of steel samples
In addition to conducting laboratory testing services, we also perform testing of standard construction materials, such as asphalt, concrete, masonry, soils and steel. The lab is staffed by highly trained and experienced technicians. All reports and procedures are under the direct supervision of our Senior Geotechnical Engineer who is responsible for certifying test results for compliance and accuracy.
MatriScope’s testing laboratory equipment and facilities are in compliance with the standards set forth by ASTM International and holds many certifications.